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Izzy | Immervahr Bloodhounds


Intermediate trophy

Bloodhound working trials

Izzy adored competing at Bloodhound Working Trials held by the two breed clubs.

1st place - Novice level held at Sledmere March 2012

Certificate of merit Junior stake October 2013
Certificate of merit Junior stake at Moniave in September 2014
1st place - Junior stake held at Brocklesby in October 2015

2nd place - intermediate stake Hodom March 2017
1st place - Intermediate stake held at Thixendale in October 2018

Certificate of merit Senior stake held October 2019

1st Veteran Stake 2020. The only winner in past 10 years.

bloodhound leaving the start flag
hunting the clean boot
bloodhound at working trials
Tongue hanging out

Home life

Izzy was happiest at home, she slept, ate and buried every toy we gave her. To this day we are still digging them up.

Sitting in the garden she could smell anyone coming down the road and was ready to bark at them with her deep voice or if she heard the fridge open nothing would stop her opening any door to get into the house.

We would regularly end our walk at the school gates to collect the children where she happily stood to be petted. In a fun activity for the local Sunday School she joined two other hounds to hunt the children across the fields.

At a bloodhound obedience training day she demonstrated her skills.

bloodhound asleep
bloodhound and fountain
bloodhound on the stairs

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